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Cadence Performs a mixture of different types of music, with a focus on more modern songs that convey emotions and feelings that resonate both with the group and the listener. We aim to bring a sense of  connection into our performances and pick each song carefully to reflect that. 

2022-23 ICCA SET

Under the Water by AURORA, Arr. Michelle Luh & Nita Qiu 

Soloist: Zoe Berg · VP: Nita Qiu

Desert Song by säje, Arr. Nathan Wu

Mountain Sound by Of Monsters and Men, Arr. Michelle Luh, Nathan Wu, and Nita Qiu

Soloists: Anne Lin, and Sophia Li · VP: Nita Qiu


The 2022-23 ICCA set used songs about nature to emphasize the theme of finding home. Through imagery of   cold, tumultuous waves, the soothing heat of the desert, or the crisp mountain air, we wanted to show that no matter where you travel or experience, home is always within your heart.


2020-21 ICCA SET

over the rainbow by MisterWives, Arr. Cadence

Soloists: Catherine Lenihan and Zoe Berg


The 2020-21 ICCA set covered a mix between over the rainbow by MisterWives and the classic song known and loved through the Wizard of Oz. With competition being virtual, we are really excited to dive into the meaning of this song and create a video that changes what it means to "sing virtually".


2019-20 ICCA SET

In the Name of Love by Martin Garrix, Arr. Rob Dietz

Soloist: Catherine Lenihan · VP: Jackson Grady

No Me, No You, No More by The Staves, Arr. Catherine Lenihan

Soloist: Zoe Berg 

Crying in the Club, Arr. Elliot von Wendt, Shams Ahmed, Catherine Lenihan

Soloist: Jackson Grady and Eliza Kravitz · VP: Catherine Lenihan


The 2019-20 ICCA set focused on the story of falling in and out of a relationship. "In the Name of Love" tells of infatuation, blindness, and attachment towards a significant other, which segues into "No Me, No You, No More" which details the pain of an ending relationship and loss of a sense of self from co-dependence, and "Crying in the Club" finishes with a movement towards freedom, joy, and self-love. 


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